Move your donation to continue making an impact
Follow these instructions to stop your current giving through Network For Good and restart giving through Aplos.
Instructions to stop your automatic donations through Network For Good
Login to your Network For Good account through CSI Ministries at https://csiministries.networkforgood.com/donors/sign_in.
If you are unable to remember your password, click “Forgot your password.”
Once logged in, go to Recurring Donations. You will be able to stop any recurring donations you have. Take note of which day of the month your donation occurs. To be sure of which credit/debit card you are using, go to Billing.
Instructions to set up a new recurring donation through Aplos
Credit/Debit card transaction through Aplos
ACH fee is 1.00% + $0.30/transaction
Card fee is 3.00% + $0.30/transaction
Just like always, at https://csiministries.net, you’ll click or tap the Donate button at the upper right corner of the page.
Choose the amount of your donation, select the Purpose of the donation, check the box that says, "Make this a recurring donation," and schedule your donation. You can choose to process the first donation the same day, or let it wait until the day you have scheduled.
Add your information, then decide how to have your donation processed (Card or ACH).
(If Card payment is your desired method, go to Step 5, below.)
If you choose ACH, it will help you connect your bank account with Aplos, using Stripe. It will have you type and select your bank account, and once selected, provide your bank account login credentials. It assumes you have access to online banking. The process might take several minutes.
After you donate, you will have opportunity to create a My Aplos donor account at https://www.aplos.com/aws/donors/reg. We will have the My Aplos Login page available on our website (upper right corner).
Learn more at https://www.aplos.com/support/articles/my-aplos-overview/#how-to-create-an-account-and-access-my-aplos-donor-portal.