Serving in Jamaica
CSI mission teams have been serving in Jamaica since the mid-1970’s with full time staff since 1988. During this time thousands of Jamaicans have been ministered to through close, personal interaction with team members. Each ministry project, from VBS to work projects, is intended to deepen a team member’s relationship with the Lord, while also building relationships with fellow team members, missionaries, and the Jamaicans with whom they closely work.
If you have an idea for ministry in Jamaica that is not referenced below, contact CSI Ministries and let us see what we can do for you. We are open to exploring ministry ideas that may come in a variety of forms.
Work Projects
Church Strengthening/Pastor Training
Vacation Bible School
Evangelism / Discipleship Teams
Jamaican Student Support
Sports Teams/ Music Groups
Medical teams
Mission Opportunities Offered in Jamaica:
Our Focus
Our focus is to work through the local church no matter the outreach. When working with the churches we naturally create relationships within the community. These new relationships are then introduced to the local church when a short-term team departs from the country. This gives the church the opportunity to walk with these individuals to encourage, disciple and train. Together with the church we also partner with the local health ministry, social services (Pringle Girls Home), schools and individuals. These opportunities open the door for the team to not only strengthen these agencies with a project or teaching, but most importantly, building relationships with people.
How You Can Get Involved
First, pray and see where God is leading you. He may be calling you to lead or join a team serving in Jamaica. If you are leading the team or just a team member there will always be full-time missionaries and staff on the ground that will be with you from the time you land until you depart. A week normally has 2 travel days, one church day, 4 days of project or teaching and one cultural day where we experience more of the beauty and the wider elements that Jamaica has to offer. We have a mission house which sleeps 56 people with areas to have bible studies, quiet time, and devotions daily.
Construction Projects
There is so much to do and many ways to help! Construction projects in Jamaica can be matched to any skill level or experience. CSI has been building small houses since 1988 (we have built over 750!) and there is no shortage of need for good housing. Any skill level can build a house when led by our Jamaican construction staff. Further, we love to partner with churches, schools, children’s homes, nursing homes and health centers to help them meet their goals of being impactful and effective with the people they serve. From painting and cleanup to repairs or adding new additions, we can match your group to a project that fits you well. If you have a technical expertise such as plumbing, electrical, block laying or general construction let us know so that we may put you in a place to use your skills. Never forget that the project is needed, but it is also a great tool to get us in communities to meet people. Part of the building is putting down the hammer and paint brush to spend a bit of time listening and sharing with your new friends!
Jamaica Student Support
There are many students who struggle to attend school regularly in Jamaica. Families often lack bus fare, uniform and book funds, lunch money or basic school supplies. By supporting a student for $30 per month a student will receive a backpack with school supplies and funds for school essentials. The funds are channeled through the local guidance counselors at each school and delivered monthly. Reports of the students progress are provided periodically. There are so many opportunities in Jamaica for those who develop skills academically and in the trades. Supporting a student allows a young person to break the poverty cycle for themselves and potentially their entire family!
To learn more about sponsoring a student, click the Learn More button below, or contact the CSI headquarters at csi@csiministries.net or 765-286-0711.
Community Outreach
Bringing people closer to Christ through short term missions is our passion. Some love building a small house or repairing a church sharing about Jesus as they hammer and paint. While others have a passion for community outreach using their skills and talents sharing through a Bible Study, Vacation Bible School, Prayer Walk, Sports Outreach, Sewing classes, and so much more. You may find yourself with a local pastor or CSI missionary in “path evangelism”, helping conduct a DadCamp, praying with patients at a hospital or distributing food with a church’s outreach. There are many ways to share the love of Jesus and engage in discipleship; maybe you have one we haven’t even thought of yet?
Have you thought about serving in Jamaica for a longer period of time? We have internships or extended stay opportunities for all ages. If you need to complete a practicum, a study abroad experience, have a specific skill you would like to share, or want to explore a calling to missions on a deeper level we can help. CSI will work with you to design a ministry opportunity to fulfill your college credits or satisfy your curiosity about missions. Past interns have concentrated on medical experiences, shadowing the missionaries and teams, working in schools, in agriculture, outreach with a local church and at children’s homes. Contact CSI to discuss your ideas and explore opportunities.
What to know before you serve in Jamaica:
$850 for a 7 night trip departing from the Mission house (Project costs are additional)
Ministry that fits you and your group. We will do our best to customize your trip to your gifts. Some options: Construction, Evangelism, Praise & Worship, Sports or VBS
A CSI staff person will be with you from airport pick up to drop off
Many Jamaica dishes consisting of chicken and rice along with some American dishes.
In Highgate, CSI has a 5 bedroom house that sleeps 53. Bedding and towels are provided.
Clothes for a church service, work clothes, tennis shoes, swimsuit, bug spray, sunscreen, and a bible.
Next Steps
Contact the CSI office and we can work together to plan a trip utilizing whatever gifts and talents you have to share. Trips are normally planned 8-12 months in advance of travel.
Office Phone:
Office Email:
The Weaver Family
Bob (Missions Director) and Rebecca (Student Support and Hostess coordinator) arrived in Jamaica October 2021 They have four children, Samantha, Anna, Nora and Jacob.
CSI Staff
Construction Coordinator
Student Support Coordinator
Head cook
Grounds and Maintenance
Night Watchman
Construction Worker
Night Security
Learn more about serving in Jamaica